launch class
launch class
Learn the ins and outs of Communities on Mission and receive coaching through the launch of your first three Communities on Mission.
This class will provide you with everything you need to know about Communities on Mission. We’ll also hold you accountable to ACTUALLY start at least three Communities on Mission in less than eight weeks.
You get 100% class tuition back if you have taken the whole Launch Class and feel (for any reason whatsoever) that it did not deliver the value that you were hoping for. The only requirement for this guarantee is that you actually did your work, engaged in the class, and attended at least 80% of the coaching calls.
If you would like to read more reviews about the Launch Class, you can download them here:
In weeks 1-5, you will begin to understand and appreciate the bigger WHY behind Communities on Mission. We will help you develop the leadership structure for your Communities on Mission so multiplication is easy and you will learn how the mentoring system behind Communities on Mission works.
You will receive each week’s class materials (videos, documents, handouts and homework) through the membership area. The whole class will come together virtually every week for a Coaching-Call on Zoom to discuss and apply what was taught each week. Homework assignments are expected to be completed prior to the weekly Zoom calls.
Weekly time commitment:
In weeks 6-8, we will move from learning to implementing. You will spend your weekly time actively working toward your launches and we will continue to meet for Coaching Calls each week to help you be successful.
You will develop practical action steps towards launching your Communities on Mission and report on your progress and accomplishments weekly. We will answer questions and talk about the challenges that you are facing and you will gain insights from your peers who are learning alongside you and experiencing similar challenges.
Weekly time commitment:
Consider this:
Over 400 pastors and leaders have gone through the Launch Class and many are in the process of implementing Communities on Mission across the United States of America. From church planters, to small churches with 20 members, to churches with over 10,000. Communities on Mission can work in many different contexts and churches and there are new Communities on Mission launched every week.
Consider this:
When you join the Launch Class you are joining a community that wants to help you succeed. The Launch Class is set up in a way that will guide you step by step in the process. You will have your own cohort that will support you as you are implementing what you are learning. You will have access to all the help you need. You just have to trust the process.
Consider this:
We teach you not to change your church but to actually, over time, change your church culture. We encourage you to start Communities on Mission on the side without stopping anything that you currently are doing as a church. This way you have the freedom to try something out without needing to get everyone on board.
Consider this:
What would it be worth for you to actually have three healthy Communities on Mission up and running? Three communities that are bringing heaven to earth in your neighborhood. Three communities that have a real impact. Three communities that are being discipled and are involving people in the process that your church currently is not reaching.
I am sure it would be worth more to you than the price of the tuition of the Launch Class. Here is the thing: The Launch Class is not just a class to acquire more knowledge. It will help you to actually come up with a plan to launch Communities on Mission.
But if the price of the tuition is really the only reason why you cannot join the next Launch Class, please click here to apply for a scholarship. Our commitment is that money is never the reason not to join the Launch Class.
Consider this:
Let’s be honest. Is this really your reason not to join or just an excuse because it is a little bit scary to venture out and try something new? 90% of the time, in our experience, this is just another easy excuse to hide behind.
If not now, when will be the right time?
Consider this:
Communities on Mission is not rocket science and you can figure out how to launch and lead them yourselves. Yes, that is true. On the other hand, you can speed up the process, save a few years of trial and error, and just adapt everything we have learned over many years and in many different contexts.
The Launch Class will give you access to our whole blueprint on how to launch and multiply Communities on Mission and give you a community that will walk alongside you to actually implement what you are learning. If you are already committed to starting Communities on Mission in your own church, this Launch Class will be even more valuable and effective for you.
Pastors, pastoral staff, and church leaders that are looking for ways to engage the community around them and re-engage those within their churches who are no longer interested in ‘church as usual’ can meet those goals through this launch class.
Church planters who desire to start something fresh and different that meets the culture where it is and isn’t ‘just another church’ will fulfill those desires with these tools.
Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs seeking to include their faith in their business and community can achieve this target using this training.