if we don't understand the kingdom, we don't understand...
- ...the Gospel.
- ...the heart of the message of Jesus.
- ...what the hope of the world really is.
- ...why Jesus died and rose again.
- ...why the second coming is so important.
- ...what the calling of Jesus is.

how the message of the kingdom can change your life
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Study, reflect, and pray through the material.
Experience how the kingdom is changing your life and ministry.
Thank you for the opportunity to complete the Kingdom First Study! I appreciated the attention to building the Kingdom of Heaven in our everyday life. Let's get busy doing it! Blessings!
Sabrina Jones
The Kingdom First Study provides an excellent catalyst for gaining a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God, and how we, as the Church, are called to bring His Kingdom to our world, here and now. I initially did this study on my own, but found it so valuable, that I have since gone through it with others.
Divina Bruss
I found the Kingdom First Study very inspirational. My congregation is finding it the same as its concepts filter down through my preaching, teaching and behaviors.
Paul McNett
The Kingdom First Study was inspiring. I like the concept of bringing God's kingdom to earth among us in our daily lives, with the resurrection power at work within us.
Cheryl Thompson ¿QUÉ PUEDE ESPERAR?
Understanding and wrestling with the theology of the Kingdom of God is one of the most important aspects of the Christian life. Only when we understand what Jesus really had in mind when he talked about the kingdom of God can we align our lives accordingly.
This video-based reflection study will introduce you to eight different ways to explain the kingdom of God so that at the end, by putting them all together, you will have a holistic picture of the kingdom.
This class has three sessions that each include a video teaching and a handout with reflection and study questions.
This Class is for anyone who wants to learn more about the Kingdom of God. You can decide to either go through the material alone or do it together with your Small Group, Community on Mission, or Sunday School Class.
- How the message of the kingdom is deeply personal but also involves all aspects of society.
- How Jesus defines the kingdom of God through the prayer that he taught his disciples.
- What picture Jesus' audience in the first century had in mind when he talked about the kingdom of God.
- Central passages from the Old Testament that Jesus builds on when he talks about the kingdom of God.
- The concept of Shalom and Salvation from the Old Testament and how they should be understood when it comes to the vision of the kingdom of God.
- How to understand the importance of Easter through the lens of the kingdom of God.
- How the kingdom revolution looks different from any other revolution.
- Two mandates that Christians have if they understand the kingdom of God.

Dr. Philip Zimmermann
Fundador de la Iglesia en Acción (Church in Action)
El Dr. Philip Zimmerman es cofundador y pastor de “Church in Action”. Nacido en Frankfurt, Alemania, Philip es conocido por su pensamiento estratégico y resolución creativa de problemas. Es un emprendedor social, pastor y plantador de iglesias que ha iniciado y dirigido muchas iglesias, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y empresas.
Philip received a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from European Nazarene College, a Masters of Arts in Spiritual Formation from Northwest Nazarene University, a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership from Regent University, and is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. When he is able, Philip teaches university courses in leadership and spiritual formation and speaks at leadership conferences around the globe. He is the author of the book “Der Leadership-Kompass.”
Lema personal: Si tienes un problema, resuélvelo. Si no puedes resolverlo, dáselo a Dios.